Over the Labor Day weekend, Mike L. and I decided to take a last-minute road trip to Minneapolis. We had three goals for the trip.
- Visit my old friend Brian and meet his partner, Brandon.
- Purchase new bedroom furniture at Ikea.
- Check out Minneapolis day and night life.
Some photos from our adventures are included below.
Mike and I at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. Mike is on the opposite side of the two-way mirror.
Two-way Mirror Punched Steel Hedge Labyrinth, Dan Graham (1994-1996)

Spoonbridge and Cherry – Claes Oldenburg & Coosje van Bruggen (1985-1988)

X with Columns, Sol LeWitt (1996)

Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge, Siah Armajani (1988)

Downtown Minneapolis from car window

Me, Brian and Mike (napping) at Saloon in Minneapolis